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Other PFE "Mini Projects"

These were ideas and staff projects that I made a significant contribution to as a part of the YPL Youth Services team.

Artifact 1: Fall Sensory Walk and Literature Connections

One of the "Brewing Up Some STEAM" activities that I had originally suggested was a fall Sensory Scavenger Hunt for preschoolers.  When we were discussing the timeline for when my activities would go home with patrons, I realized fall would be almost gone by and the scavenger hunt might not be as successful.  The YPL Children's Room has this amazing back wall of windows that face a walking path next to a beautiful pond and fountain.  The staff has been using these for various "Story Walks" since browsing has been so limited.  When we were discussing what might come next on the Story Walk path, I offered the content from the Sensory Scavenger Hunt.  It was suggested that it become more of a sensory walk with prompts for young patrons such as "I spy a Fairy House! What does the house feel like? Can you see who lives there?" I also included the PDF of literature connections that was made available to patrons.  These books came from my suggestions. I really felt like I was truly a part of the team when helping with this design.

Artifact 2: 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Must Read Staff Picks

This was a list I was asked to give my input on.  One of the ways that the York Public Library is trying to stay connected to their community during this time is through curated book lists and reading suggestions. I loved this one because these are the books I am currently reading with my four-year-old son.  Again, this was another way that I was made to feel like a member of the YPL staff.

Artifact 3: November Newsletter Mentions and The First YA Instagram Challenge

I wanted to share the first mention of my STEAM activities and the first YA Instagram Challenge at the YPL.  It was especially exciting to see the STEAM activity bags mentioned in a public forum that I knew patrons would be reading.  For the YA Instagram Challenge, Katie had asked for my input on doing their first of this type of challenge.  I helped brainstorm the challenge categories and set the timeline.  The intent was to get the YA population to share some of their amazing and creative Instagram content with the York Public Library.

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