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LEAP 3: Digital Storytelling

Writing is something that if I had the luxury (come on PowerBall Jackpot!), I'd love to explore doing it full time. Alas, with bills to pay and a house to run, being able to write full time or even everyday, is currently a challenge.

They say "write what you know" and I have many short stories about my family. After my dad died in 2002, I went through a time when it was too painful to think about all the great family adventures we had. A few years ago, I started dabbling in some stories again and was able to focus on my dad. This short story called "The Cat" is one of the stories I consider to be a quintessential example of his character and our family. I feel it really paints a picture of the generous, truly warm hearted, big "softy" he really was on the inside- even if he didn't always show it on the outside.

Please enjoy!

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