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My HITRecord Exploration

I was finally able to take some time to noodle around with HITRecord. I realized quickly that there are so many opportunities to get creative. I love to push myself to write more so I focused on the writing challenges. There was definitely something for everyone. I looked into writing modern day versions of fairytales but that challenge was almost over. I was becoming overwhelmed by all the choices so I spent a couple of sessions just setting up my preferences and navigating the site. There were so many choices and interests that grabbed my attention.

I had the typical fears when deciding what to write about in an open forum. Would anyone like my writing? Would they get my humor? Would they comment? Criticize?

I took some think time to decide what to do. I decided I would find something that really spoke to me and just write. Write without fear.

The next time I logged on, I had spent part of the weekend sending punny names back and forth on Twitter with my professor, Renee Hobbs and I was feeling particularly creative. I zeroed in on a challenge about acting as a movie writing a scathing movie review for a fictitious film. That's how "Rob O. Caller" came to be.

It was a fun challenge and I will definitely be back to play around with more.

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